My roots are the Graffiti
My first exposure to writing occurred at a very young age, around 12 or 13 years old, in the late ’90s. I was immediately captivated by the world of graffiti in all its forms. I began with “bombing” the streets, seizing every opportunity to leave my mark and paint wherever I could. My goal was to make my name known and earn respect.
For me, painting served as an escape from the challenging reality of that period in my life. I immersed myself in the world of graffiti, shutting out the outside world. I lived on the outskirts of Rome, and graffiti became a means for me and my crew to rise above the environment we saw around us—a peripheral reality with limited opportunities.
We frequented the same park, and the same benches, yet our minds were always elsewhere. We journeyed with our art and our letters, and each day, we etched our names. Graffiti became a way to forge deep friendships, and experience adrenaline-fueled and risky situations, ultimately leading to profound personal growth and self-discovery.
From Graffiti to Calligraffiti
The transition from graffiti to calligraphy and lettering felt entirely natural to me; there wasn’t a clear moment of “transition.” Throughout my evolution as an artist, I gradually incorporated lettering and traditional calligraphy elements into my wild styles. This exploration led me to delve into the history of calligraphy, and I began to practice calligraphy professionally, tirelessly perfecting my style. This relentless pursuit of mastery in my craft allowed me to make a name for myself in the world of lettering. In 2015, I had the honor of joining an international group called Calligraffiti Ambassadors, an artistic collective founded by SHOE, marking the beginning of my journey through international exhibitions and various projects.
Now, I continue on a more individualized path, but one that carries the experiences and knowledge gained from my involvement in the Calligraffiti movement, for which I am forever grateful.

Art, Design and Workshop
Currently, I specialize in calligraphy, typography, and lettering. I have participated in numerous international exhibitions, graffiti and street art projects, exhibitions, and other related ventures since 2008. I regularly collaborate with various Italian and international brands, with a particular focus on streetwear, fashion, and graphic design.
Since 2015, I have been teaching workshops and spreading the art of calligraffiti around the world. I am always open to commission work, and if you have any further questions, please feel free to reach out to me.